Publication on the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Mozafari Mehr A.S., de Carvalho R.M., van Dongen B. (2021) Detecting Privacy, Data and Control-Flow Deviations in Business Processes. In: Nurcan S., Korthaus A. (eds) Intelligent Information Systems. CAiSE 2021. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 424. Springer, Cham.
Existing access control mechanisms are not sufficient for data protection. They are only preventive and cannot guarantee that data is accessed for the intended purpose. This paper proposes a novel approach for multi-perspective conformance checking which considers the control-flow, data and privacy perspectives of a business process simultaneously to find the context in which data is processed. In addition to detecting deviations in each perspective, the approach is able to detect hidden deviations where non-conformity relates to either a combination of two or all three aspects of a business process. The approach has been implemented in the open source ProM framework and was evaluated through controlled experiments using synthetic logs of a simulated real-life process.
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