Steinbeis Enterprise Information Management (STW), one of our partners, represented the project in the IT After Work event, in Pforzheim, Germany. This was a great opportunity to disseminate the project, its goals and expected results.
Steinbeis Enterprise Information Management (STW), one of our partners, represented the project in the IT After Work event, in Pforzheim, Germany. This was a great opportunity to disseminate the project, its goals and expected results.
Rashid Zaman and Marwan Hassani. Process Mining Meets GDPR Compliance: The Right to be Forgotten as a Use Case. 1st International Conference on Process Mining, June 24-26, 2019, Aachen, Germany. Abstract In a bid to ensure privacy of personal data, General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) entails stringent obligations on organizations and businesses in the capacity of data controllers and data processors, along with the provision of […]
Rashid Zaman, from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), presented his paper entitled “Process Mining Meets GDPR Compliance: The Right to be Forgotten as a Use Case” (available here). The presentation happened on May 29, 2019, in the ICPM 2019 conference (International Conference on Process Mining), held in Aachen, Germany.
Baker Mckenzie, one of the partners of the project, organized a seminar to discuss GDPR-related topics for audience from Milan and Rome. The goal of this seminar was to discuss with the audience about some general GDPR-related topics, but also to inform them the goals and expected results of the project.
On March 28, 2019, six GDPR-related H2020 projects (BPR4GDPR, DEFeND, SMOOTH, PDP4E, PAPAYA and PoSeID-on) met in Brussels to discuss common dissemination approached and further collaboration. During the meeting, some future ideas for publications, participation on events, organization of workshops were discussed.