The project has participated at the “International Workshop on Data Protection in Real-time: Transforming Privacy Law into Practice” workshop, Oxford, UK, September 2019, co-organised by the University of Oxford and OASIS.
The project has participated at the “International Workshop on Data Protection in Real-time: Transforming Privacy Law into Practice” workshop, Oxford, UK, September 2019, co-organised by the University of Oxford and OASIS.
The work “ABEBox: A data-driven access control for securing public cloud storage with efficient key revocation” as a BPR4GDPR result will be presented at the ARES conference, on workshop IWAPS2021 by URM. The authors are E. Raso, L. Bracciale, P. Loreti and G. Bianchi. Link:
Marwan Hassani disseminated BPR4GDPR as part of his talk at the UK Symposium on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2021. Along with the project description and motivation, some of the TU/e’s project results were presented. Link:
PoSeID-on will develop and deliver an innovative intrinsically scalable platform, as an integrated and comprehensive solution aimed to safeguard the rights of data subjects , exploiting the cutting-edge technologies of Smart Contracts and Blockchain, as well as support organizations in data management and processing while ensuring GDPR compliance. For more information:
The valuable insights that can be inferred from data analytics generated and collected from a variety of devices and applications are transforming businesses and are therefore one of the key motivations for organisations to adopt such technologies. Nevertheless, the data being analysed and processed are highly sensitive and put the individuals’ privacy at risk. Nowadays, the current European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a […]
PDP4E aims to widespread the creation of products, systems and services that better protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. By endowing software and systems engineers with methods and software tools on data protection principles applications. The overall project objective is to widespread the creation of products, systems and services that better protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. For more […]
Assisting Micro Enterprises to adopt and be compliant with GDPR SMOOTH project assists Micro enterprises to adopt and be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by designing and implementing easy-to-use and affordable tools to generate awareness on their GDPR obligations and analysing their level of compliance with the new data protection regulation. For more information:
Rashid Zaman and Marwan Hassani: On Enabling GDPR Compliance in Business Processes Through Data-Driven Solutions. In Springer Nature Computer Science 1, 210 (2020). Abstract: The collection and the long-term retention of excessive data enables organisations to process data for insights in non-primary processes. The discovery of insights is promoted to be useful both for organisations and the customers. However, long-term possession of data on one […]
Renata Medeiros de Carvalho, Camillo Del Prete, Yod Samuel Martin, Rosa Maria Araujo Rivero, Melek Önen, Francesco Paolo Schiavo, Ángel Cuevas Rumín, Haralambos Mouratidis, Juan C. Yelmo, Maria N. Koukovini: Protecting citizens’ personal data and privacy: a joint effort from GDPR EU cluster research projects. In Springer Nature Computer Science 2020 (to appear) Abstract: Confidence in information and communication technology services and systems is crucial […]