2nd Concertation Meeting 2nd Concertation Meeting
27.11.2018 We presented BPR4GDPR at the “5th Edition of the Data Science Summit” in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Very useful and interesting discussions! See our presented poster here: BPR4GDPR – Poster Summit 2018 – CJ
The FP7 DEMONS project dealt with cooperative network monitoring, in order to provide scalable and privacy-preserving security of networks and infrastructures. In that respect, it developed a variety of technologies, ranging from network monitoring hardware to cryptographic mechanisms and process management systems. Expertise brought by common partners will certainly benefit BPR4GDPR, especially since the major achievements of DEMONS include PETs and an innovative semantic approach […]
PaaSword introduces a holistic data privacy and security by design framework enhanced by sophisticated context-aware policy access models and robust policy access, decision, enforcement and governance mechanisms. It enables the implementation of secure and transparent cloud-based applications and services that can maintain a fully distributed and totally encrypted data persistence layer, and, thus, will ensure data protection, integrity and confidentiality, even in the case where […]
ACSI’s objective was to dramatically reduce the effort and lead-time of designing, deploying, maintaining, and joining into environments that support service collaborations. BPR4GDPR will take into consideration the work of ACSI and further elaborate on this, especially regarding its achievements in the fields of flexible and scalable support for service collaborations, modelling and deployment of business processes, verification and synthesis techniques and process mining.
PriCE aims to develop the foundations of a novel approach that empowers users to control their data and enables organisations to comply with user policies as well as with legal requirements. Among the developments of the project, the system for security and privacy policies specification and the learning mechanism for policy refinement are of particular interest for BPR4GDPR.
ReCRED’s objective is to design and implement an integrated next generation access control solution that (i) relieves users from the burden of managing directly multiple passwords, pins and accounts; (iii) offers a unifying access control framework applicable to a number of situations, both online and offline; (iii) is aligned with current technological trends and capabilities; and, most importantly, (iv) correctly address the legal scenario on […]
PoSecCo‘s vision was to establish and maintain a consistent, transparent, sustainable and traceable link between high-level, business-driven security and compliance requirements on one side and low-level technical configuration settings of individual services on the other side. PoSecCo’s project results and deliverables, and especially the PoSecCo Policy Ontology, will be used as inputs to refine design of BPR4GDPR components and policies.
UNICORN aims to simplify the design, deployment and management of secure and by-design elastic multi-cloud services, by a) libraries providing security enforcement mechanisms, data privacy restrictions, monitoring metric collection and resource management; b) enabling continuous orchestration and automatic optimisation of portable and dynamic cloud services running on virtual instances or micro-execution containers for increased security, data protection privacy and vast resource (de)-allocation. In this context, […]
The project website is online.