
Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” (URM) is working for BPR4GDPR standardization with the following standardization bodies.


URM as a member of CNIT, collaborate with ETSI Technical Committee on Cybersecurity on specifications on Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE). It is possible to read a deliverable here.

European Committee for Standardization

We are joining an initiative for the writing of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on GDPR. The CWA will be ready in the first months of 2021.

Certification activities

In relation to certifications as provided in art. 42 and 43 GDPR, BPR4GDPR is collaborating with certification authorities such as europrivacy and auditor for the definition of GDPR certification, with particular attention to cloud services.


The project is interacting with the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining by providing demos for the ProM packages, data (using xes file format) other than several scientific papers listed in this page. Process mining is one of the distinguish methodology applied by BPR4GDPR to foster GDPR compliancy and process re-engineering. Actively participating in international discussion board and collaborating in IEEE Task Force on Process Mining helps the project to tune its Process Mining systems and tool in a global international dimension.


BPR4GDPR has joined the activities of the W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) through its partner ABOVO. The aim of the DPVCG group is to develop a taxonomy of privacy terms, which include in particular terms from the GDPR, such as a taxonomy of personal data as well as a classification of purposes (i.e., purposes for data collection), and events of disclosures, consent, and processing such personal data.


The project has participated at the “International Workshop on Data Protection in Real-time: Transforming Privacy Law into Practice” workshop, Oxford, UK, September 2019, co-organised by the University of Oxford and OASIS.