WP1: Project management

This WP will deal with the project administrative, technical, quality, risk and innovation management.

Role of participants

SLG will lead WP1 as the project coordinator. CAS will hold both the roles of Technical Coordinator and Risk and Quality Manager.


The primary objective of this Work Package is to ensure co-ordination, co-operation and cohesion in all aspects of the project’s lifetime ensuring that all the foreseen activities are carried out accordingly with the approved work plan. This objective can be analysed in the following:

  • To ensure the project’s proper management and the achievement of its objectives in accordance with its time schedule and budget.
  • To provide administrative and financial management, including obtaining the certificates on the financial statements from the participants when required, verifying all the partners’ access to the grant agreement and keep the records and financial accounts.
  • To ensure efficient planning, scientific/technical coordination, fostering the flow of information between participants and between WPs and provide the communication with the European Commission.
  • To ensure efficient steering of the activities, efficient risk and conflict management and establishment of a clear decision-making process.
  • To provide continuous monitoring of the project progress and assure the quality of deliverables.