WP7: Impact creation

This WP will involve all dissemination, standardisation, exploitation and impact creation activities, in accordance with the plans outlined in Section 2.2.

Role of participants

SLG leads WP7, delivering its key market position and guaranteeing the quick and effective migration of the BPR4GDPR results to the industry and to the production, thus leading also T7.3. TUE, being a leading academic institution in PAIS area, leads the dissemination activities (T7.1). URM will lead the standardisation activities(T7.3). STW will mainly focus on maximizing BPR4GDPR impact with its vast worldwide transfer network; to this end, STW will lead the community building and engagement processes (Task 7.4). The rest of the partners join this WP with key personnel providing significant contribution to all these activities.


The overall objective of this WP is to organise a variety of targeted dissemination, standardisation and exploitation activities, in order to ensure that the project and its results will be widely known and used, exploited in commercial and non commercial ways, and will have a profound impact in GDPR implementation across Europe. Towards this goal, WP7 aims:

  • To provide visibility and acceptance of the project results (white papers, publications, participation to conferences, workshops and panels, organisation of events).
  • To set up and maintain the project website.
  • To set up the BPR4GDPR User Community.
  • To disseminate BPR4GDPR research findings across scientific and H2020 communities.
  • To raise awareness regarding the potential of BPR4GDPR technologies, and data protection in general.
  • To actively contribute to standardisation fora and other related bodies of high impact, in various domains, as regards both technologies and compliance procedures.
  • To develop and validate new business models for all possible stakeholders.
  • To investigate the potentials and pave the way for the exploitation of certain BPR4GDPR solutions.